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To all my loyal readers, this is the big one! The Long Marston Village Show is upon us! The theme of this year’s show is Royal Britain which is reflected in the hall and on the show field.  As I mentioned, there are a large variety of differing classes that anyone can enter in the Village Hall. A lot of them are horticulturally-based as you would expect, like five onions, six radishes or maybe the obligatory odd-shaped vegetable!  For budding florists, why not enter the single rose category or maybe rather than outdoor flowers, you grow plants in pots, for which there are three categories. However, my recommendation would be to try one of the slightly more quirky classes at the end of your show schedule. I’m sure each household has a keen amateur chef and the show gives you the opportunity to show off your skills. How about cooking 3 sausages, a 7” pizza or even simpler, 2 rounds of sandwiches! There are classes for jams, cakes, and home-made wine. Finally, we move onto the arts and crafts section, full of classes catering for all styles and ability. We cover such items as  knitting, painting, writing, photography, and even creating something from recycled rubbish!! Why not pick one and have a go.

On the field, things continue a-pace. We have all the usual stands, like the book stall, coconut shy and skittles. As always the tent will house the bar and afternoon teas, with the barbeque and the Pimms stall just outside and we will have a live band during the afternoon. However the highlight could well be the kids races for which I have been sworn to secrecy, but we will be adding a surprise element, so why not come down and have a go!

On a much more serious note, I unfortunately have to cross back to the subject of volunteering. These events cannot take place without the generous help of those people who give up their time to run stalls and help with stewarding, etc to make your day as enjoyable as possible. However, there are NEVER enough to do the task. All we can ask is could you please give up 1 HOUR of your time to help us on the day. A typical example is at the end of the show; as you know, we auction the items left in the hall, but I’m sure you haven’t noticed the 2/3 men who are trying to clear up the field after the day. They could really do with your help for an hour and the more bodies, the quicker the job is done! So why not volunteer to help for a bit PLEASE!  Whether you are participating, watching or helping we hope to see you for this timeless village event.

Article by Toby Davidson.