THE 2009 AGM of Village News held at the Half Moon approved the accounts for the financial year ending December 2008 which showed an operating surplus of £280 for the year.
This sum had been re-invested in upgrading the software used by two editors so that all five editors now operated on the same version. (This had already saved a considerable amount of time and irritation sorting out minor anomalies caused by using different versions.) Treasurer John Harrison’s report showed that total income was £3,730 of which £3,114 was from advertising and £616 from sponsorship. Advertising revenue had increased in 2008, though there was concern for 2009 and the effects of the recession. Total expenditure was £3,450 of which nearly all (£3,386) was on printing costs, and these are expected to rise slightly in 2009 in line with the cost
of paper.
In his annual report to the meeting chairman Phil Buchi particularly recognised the contribution made to the magazine by the band of regular writers and correspondents. He said that without them the editors would not have much to work with, and more contributors are always welcome. The meeting discussed improvements to the magazine including more colour covers. Though the additional costs of colour on every edition could not be sustained without significant additional fundraising, it was agreed to test a high quality glossy cover on the black and white editions. Other suggestions were: more interviews with villagers, favourite walks, local dog walks and more contributions from young people. The AGM recorded a special vote of thanks to Colette Bernard for her work as advertising manager for the last 5 years, and all agreed she had done a great job.
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