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AS has been mentioned in previous edition of village news, the village hall in Long Marston has been identified as in need of some modernisation.

At a recent meeting of the village hall committee, particular attention was drawn to the roof and we are now trying to take action, subject to planning approval. This will involve replacing the roof tiles and renewing the insulation layer underneath which should stop the leaks in the serving area. It is then proposed to work on modernising the interior.

The problem now is how to raise the money to pay for this. It is the committee’s intention to put a ‘fundraising’ thermometer on the outside of the building and hold a series of fundraising events. The first of these will be a quiz night hosted by a village quiz favourite, Toby Davidson, on Friday 11th June. This as always will be a fun quiz for all ages and all will be made most welcome. We also have a bingo night planned as well as the annual fireworks display in November.

We could however as a committee do with some other fundraising ideas to help raise the money needed and we need the help of the public. Anyone who is willing to help in this venture should contact either Margaret Kaye (01296 662975) or Toby Davidson (07970 636168)

June 2010