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Residents of Rosebarn Lane in Wilstone may now be able to venture out when it’s raining once more as the blocked culvert which caused the lane to become awash has been cleared.

Though the Parish Council had asked for action to deal with this problem, credit must also go to a local resident who made many phone calls to Dacorum officials and made sure they turned up and fixed it. Just shows that villagers can get things done themselves. Nothing’s ever that simple though, as it turns out that Dacorum are only responsible for the first 20 yards of the culvert. That bit has been cleared out, and the engineers think that should have fixed the problem. After that, the culvert crosses under the road and that bit is the responsibility of Hertfordshire Highways. (By the way, when the stream water gets to the Wilstone Brook on the other side of the road it gets promoted, and becomes entitled to supervision by the Environment Agency on its long passage to the North Sea via the River Thame.) It has been unseasonably dry since the work was carried out so villagers won’t find out if it works until it rains.

May 2010