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Sunday 24th November at 7.30pm

Long Marston Village Hall

Would YOU like to be involved in next year’s Pantomime?

(20th, 21st & 22nd February 2014)

We are always in need of more volunteers, so PLEASE come along to this short meeting, during which you can put your name forward to help in any of the following teams: front of house (selling refreshments, raffle tickets, programmes, etc.) costumes, props, scenery painting or construction, backstage crew and make-up.

 Neil will also be casting the Pantomime, so if you are interested in actually appearing on stage, please be brave and come along. After all, if there is not a part suitable for you in this Pantomime, there’s always next year!

 (We don’t start working on the Pantomime until January – only 7 weeks from start to finale – so your Christmas and New Year celebrations will not be affected)


Would you like to help, but can’t attend this meeting?

Contact Vicky Hayes on 07855 369515