Robin Hood and The Babes in The Wood – Pantomime Spectacular by Neil Gurney.

THOMAS CHAPMAN was a gentleman farmer who lived and worked Folly Farm in Potash Lane for most of his life. An upbeat and kindly man he was always generous with both his time and money. For a number of years, he was chairman of the Long Marston & Puttenham Horticultural Society as well as being involved in all aspects of village life.
He particularly loved the Annual Village Show especially the ‘Stepping the Chain’ game for which he would always donate a bottle of whisky as a prize. The Tombola was also a popular draw thanks to his generous patronage. With his philosophy ‘never you mind boy, everything will be alright on the day’ he endeared himself to all aspects of village life.
It was therefore right that the Society decided to create a trophy to honour his memory –
‘in recognition of their outstanding contribution, over many years, to the life of the village communities of Long Marston, Puttenham, Gubblecote and Astrope’.
The trophy chosen was for Outstanding Contribution to the Village and the wording above, used on the certificate being carefully chosen by the society to reflect how the society felt about Tom’s contribution to the village during his lifetime. The trophy itself is a model of Tom’s old tractor and was made by Tring School.
The first time the award was presented, the Horticultural Society wanted to involve Tom’s family so they asked his son Adrian to come along to the show and he presented the first trophy. We are sure, knowing Tom, that he would have loved having an award in his name.
The Horticultural Society are now looking for nominations for this year’s award to be presented at the Village Show on 1st August.
If you know of a worthy recipient, please contact the Chairman, Vicky Hayes. Email:
Previous winners of the Thomas Chapman Award.
2001 Phyllis Proctor
2002 Eunice Hall
2003 Tina Puwar
2004 Brian Prior
2005 Christine Rutter
2006 Carole Harrison
2007 Daphne Bateman
2008 Ken Crawford
2009 John & Margaret Noakes
2010 Colette Bernard
2011 Jean Bygate
2012 Michael Tomlinson
2013 Glenys Jeffrey
2014 Serena Williams
Article by Toby Davidson.
Village News Article – July 2015.
Do the words ‘village show’ conjure up images of welly wanging, hoopla and coconut shy? Or do they make you think of tug-o-war, tombola and plant stalls? To those involved with the annual Long Marston & Puttenham village show, they mean any and all of these things together with an element of the weird and wacky!
The first show was organised in August 1936 and almost every year since then the show has been held on Long Marston Recreation Ground on the first Saturday in August. This year is no exception. The ‘rec’ will be a hive of activity from 2pm – 5pm, whilst in the Victory Hall there will be the annual Horticultural Exhibition for both adults and children. Entries are welcome from everyone and will be judged strictly, fairly and anonymously; so when the show programme lands on your doormat why not see which classes you could enter and have a go.
The success of the show depends entirely on your support, both in terms of attendance and entries and input from everyone in the community is an intrinsic part of the day. All monies raised on the day are used to support community events during the year for the benefit of everyone, so come along and be part of a traditional, community event.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Article by Sally Smith
Village News Article – July 2015.
Plans are well under way for this year’s Annual Long Marston Village Show. With the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo this year, we are hoping that Napoleon may make an appearance and the return of wellie-wanging! With all the usual stalls and a possible new event in the arena, things look set for a great day on 1st August. Keep the date in your diary!
Firstly, however, is our annual community day and rounders competition on the 14th June on the recreation ground behind the Victory Hall. All you have to do is bring your own picnic after 1pm and join in the fun. The following week is the Marsworth Steam Rally, where the Horti will be running the burger stall next to the beer tent, so we’ll see you there!
Article by Toby Davidson.
Spring is in the air approaching and, following our village pantomime in February, the Long Marston & Puttenham Horticultural Society are busy planning our summer schedule. We start with supporting the Annual Charity Football Match between the ‘School’ side of the village and the ‘Pub’ side. Plans are coming along nicely thanks to sponsors Fullers Brewery and locals all pulling together to make the night a success. We hope to get a large turnout and raise a lot of money & every penny goes back into the local community.
The Midsummer Picnic / Rounders Day and the Marsworth Steam Rally (see adverts) take place in June, followed by the annual Village Show on 1st August. More details on these events to follow next month.
Article by Toby Davidson.
Writing this article whilst the sun is beaming down gives us all hope of a lovely summer after this winter’s rains. Plans for the annual village show in Long Marston continue a-pace and let’s hope this weather will bring us another record number of entries for the flower and produce section.
We also have a new event in June – a midsummer picnic for the whole village to enjoy. This will feature a rounders competition, so get your teams together and come and play. All the fun takes place on the recreation ground behind the Victory Hall on Sunday 22nd June from 1pm.
The Horti are also looking forward to helping out at this year’s Marsworth Steam Rally where we will be running the barbeque next to the beer tent. This massively popular event is now in its 16th year and will again be staged to support a range of local charities and worthy fundraising causes. The fun starts at 11am and goes on until 5pm, admission is £4 for adults and £2 for children with every ticket qualifying for entry into a free raffle prize draw.
Attracting visitors from miles around, it’s a great day out for all the family and a great Fathers Day treat for any machinery-minded man! See historic steam engines, agricultural vehicles, classic and vintage cars, motorcycles and trucks, PLUS a lot of family fun too. Tring fire brigade will be showing their fire engine, emergencies permitting, and as usual there will be various events in the arena throughout the day including the dog agility display, back by popular request, and steam engine rides for children (of all ages)!
The next village event however is the annual football match being played on the 2nd May. Lee has organised a full evening do that day with a bar (courtesy of Fullers brewery), disco and a curry. The event is FREE and is raising money to be put back into the village, so do please come along and support.
Article by Toby Davidson.
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