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For some while Dacorum Borough Council has been working on what it calls its “Core Strategy” for the next twenty years. Their website says: “The Core Strategy will set out the strategic vision, objectives and spatial strategy for the borough for twenty years. It will contain core policies, e.g. Green Belt and settlements, town-wide strategies and the housing programme, and include a development (key) diagram for the borough and other diagrams (for towns and large villages). It will also contain an implementation strategy.” On 30th June a public consultation opens on the draft strategy document which will be available on the Dacorum BC website. The Parish Council received their advance copy this week and will be commenting. These rather dry and difficult-to-read documents can have a big impact on our lives. County Councillor Nick Hollinghurst told the meeting that the document will be worth careful scrutiny, as proposals such as changes to village boundaries can be included. Individual residents are entitled to comment too, and the consultation is open until 28th August. To see the document for yourself go to and look for “Core Strategy” consultation (after 30 June).