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ATTEMPTS by the Parish Council to get the highways authorities interested in a traffic calming scheme for Cheddington Lane, Long Marston, have met with official indifference. Apparently there are no recorded accidents or injuries for that stretch of road, though all at the meeting agreed that speeding traffic is a real danger in the narrow lane, and several cases of ‘near misses’ were quoted. Police officers at the meeting agreed that it was difficult to get evidence of speeding there because the lane is so narrow there was no room to set up the camera van. But the officers agreed to book the portable ‘speed gun’ and have a go. Other suggestions that will be followed up are an automated traffic survey, which also records the speed of vehicles, and a flashing ‘slow down’ sign. Councillors were annoyed by the unhelpful highways authorities and agreed to ask the local MP, David Gauke, to help them get a sensible response.